Maya was born with lots of hair

Maya was born with lots of hair (Movie: PA Real Life)

At her 34-week scan, Alexandra Jechorek was shocked to realise her babe girl had a full head of hair earlier she was even born.

Her locks were and then thick, they could be seen conspicuously on the screen while she was still in her mum'southward womb.

And when she was born six weeks later, infant Maya had a sleeky mane and her parnets office worker swain, Lee Bond, 23 – stay-at-dwelling house mum Alexandra, 21, were amazed.

Alexandra, of Dublin, Ireland, said: 'We'd already constitute out we were expecting a girl at the previous scan, so at 34 weeks, nosotros were simply excited to see how much she'd grown.

'When the midwife turned the screen around, I honestly couldn't believe my eyes.

'There was this tiny little baby on the scan with a full head of hair. I just thought, "No fashion, this cannot be possible".

'To be completely honest, I thought all babies were built-in bald. My oldest Kadin came out bald, and then I just thought that was how babies were when they were born.

'But once I'd taken in how much hair she had, it made me all the more excited to meet her, as Maya already looked like a proper piffling person.'

On June 9, 2019 subsequently a swift 90 minute labour, Maya was born at The Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital, in Dublin, weighing 8lbs 9oz – and her total caput of dark hair caused quite a tempest.

Alexandra laughed: 'As soon as Maya arrived, I couldn't accept my optics off her pilus.

The scan picture where you can see Maya's hair (PA Real Life/Collect)

The scan picture where you can see Maya'south hair (Picture: PA Real Life)

'I'd been expecting her to take hair because of the scan, but to see this beautiful baby with this thick jet blackness hair was incredible.

'It had already grown so long it was down by her ears.

'Even the nurses and the doctors turned to me and said they'd never seen a babe with so much pilus in all the time they'd worked at the hospital!'

And from when she was born, her hair has always attracted attention.

'Nosotros couldn't go out the house without someone complimenting Maya on her hair,' Alexandra said.

Maya (PA Real Life/Collect)

Maya (Picture: PA Real Life)

'Lots of people would ask, "How old is she?" They were shocked when I told them she was only iii months one-time with so much hair!'

While Alexandra has never measured her daughter'due south locks, she says that, now 1 years old, information technology is so long that it skims the elevation of her nappy, even though she's merely turned ane.

She said: 'I've never had her pilus cut. I think information technology's absolutely cute and I want her to grow information technology as long as she wants.'

Having such long pilus ways Maya has already been able to experiment with a host of different styles – which she shows off on her very ain Instagram site, where she already has 300 followers.

'Maya's really good she e'er sits still and lets me do her hair,' said Alexandra.

'I practise it in plaits and sometimes I tie it in a ponytail.

'I love putting bow clips in her hair. I accept dissimilar colours, like pink, blue, carmine and yellow, to friction match the different outfits that she wears.'

Simply it does mean Maya has quite a demanding beauty routine considering her age.

'I shampoo and conditioner her hair every day,' said Alexandra.

'And so I brush it through and spray on some stay-in conditioner and dry information technology with a towel.

'It takes about 20 minutes, which is quite a long time considering I'm doing a i-year-former's hair.'

With her Instagram contour growing, Alexandra now hopes one day to launch Maya as a baby model.

Maya just before her first birthday

Maya only before her starting time altogether (Pic: PA Real Life)

'People love looking at pictures of Maya – they can't get plenty of her pilus,' she said.

'I usually post pictures of her unlike hairstyles or of her playing with Kadin.

'Only the comments are e'er most how astonishing Maya's hair is.'

With no family history of babies with hair, Alexandra says Maya'south amazing mop is a consummate fluke.

She said: 'I've asked effectually my family and Lee'south to run across if anyone else was born with hair like Maya's, but everyone's told me no, so information technology must've just been a fluke.

'And it's weird that she has such dark hair, equally when Kadin was a babe, he had such fine blond hair.

'I suppose I've got quite dark hair, so she must've got that from me, but even so – I certainly didn't have thick hair until I was much older.

'While the reason for her luscious locks remains a mystery, I honey it and think Maya is actually beautiful.'

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